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We invite you to join with businesses, nonprofits, governments, and other individuals to help grow the economy of Fayette County, Pennsylvania.


Your contribution helps us to make the economic future of Fayette County just a bit brighter.  If we aren't directly helping you yet as an employer, we're helping your neighbor to grow their business and to attract more customers.  If we aren't directly helping you yet as an employee, we're helping to train your neighbor to land a good or a better job.  In our spare time we bring in public and private investment to build new stuff in Fayette County or to upgrade the stuff we already have.

You can be involved from the ground up in what we focus on.  Our members have diverse interests and skills across a number of disciplines including finance, property management, entrepreneurship, marketing, accounting, strategic planning, fundraising, human resources, and management, to name a few.  We rely on guidance from experts who care about what happens here to create nothing but the best for our community.

Fayette County becomes more appealing for existing and potential residents.  There's more money to spend on neat things to buy and neat things to do.  That makes for better citizens, and for better customers and employees for your business.  Your friends and family can look forward to staying not only for rewarding careers and an inviting quality of life, but also for meeting new friends in the future.

You'll belong to a great group of civic-minded professionals that share common interests.

To submit a membership request, complete the form below. Or, for further information about becoming a member of Fay-Penn Economic Development Council, please  call us at 724-437-7913,



Thank you for your interest in Fay-Penn Economic Development Council.

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